Massachusetts Hunter Jumper Finals

General Information

No Membership Is Required!​
Riders qualify by accumulating 10 or more points in the Massachusetts Hunter Jumper Medal classes held at recognized shows.
MHJ Points are scored 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 regardless of the classification of the show.
To qualify: 10 points. Once qualified, riders may continue to show in the class.
2 Riders must complete the class. No combining of classes.
MHJ Junior Medal Final Class

Open to all Junior riders who have not reached their 18th birthday as of December 1 of the current year. Riders shall perform over at least 10 fences not to exceed 3 '. One or more individual tests of the top contestants may be requested at the Judge's discretion.
Awards & 12 Ribbons.
MHJ Children's Horse Medal Final Class

Open to all Junior riders who have not reached their 18th birthday as of December of the current year and who have not shown over a course where the fences have exceeded 3'. Fence heights to be set at 2'6". To be shown over a minimum of 8 fences the required height including a combination and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. Riders may not cross enter into the MHJ-Mini Medal.
Awards & 12 Ribbons.
MHJ Mini-Medal Final

Open to all Junior riders who have not reached their 15th birthday as of December of the current year with exception of Maiden and Novice riders and who have not shown over a course where the fences have exceeded 3’. Fence heights to be set at 2'6". To be shown over a minimum of 8 fences the required height including a combination and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. Riders may not cross enter-into the MHJ-Mini Medal.
Awards & 12 Ribbons.
MHJ Children's Pony Medal Final

Open to all Junior riders who have not reached their 18th birthday as of December 1 of the current year and who have not shown over a course where the fences have exceeded 3'. To be shown over a minimum of 8 fences at the required height with at least two changes of direction after the first fence. A combination is optional and must be adjusted according to fence heights. The same pony must be used in all phases. Only one rider per pony (riders may not ride in more than one height section of the class). Fence heights Small/Medium 2' and Large 2'6". Competitors may not cross enter in the MHJ Mini-Medal at the Finals.
Awards & 12 Ribbons.
MHJ Short Stirrup Medal Final

Open to riders 12 years of age and under. Riders may not compete in any other equitation class at any show and shall not have competed in a class jumping over 18".
Awards & 12 Ribbons.
MHJ Adult Mini-Medal Final

Open to all Adult Amateur riders that have not shown over a course where the fences exceeded 3' in the current year. To perform over a course of at least 8 fences not to exceed 2'6". Riders may not cross enter into the MHJ Adult Medal.
Awards & 12 Ribbons.
MHJ Adult Medal 18-29 Final
MHJ Adult Medal 30+ Final

Open to all Adult Amateur riders. Riders shall perform over at least 10 fences 2'9" to 3' including a combination with at least two changes of direction after the first fence. One or more individual tests of the top contestants may be requested at the Judge's discretion.
Awards & 12 Ribbons.
MHJ Jumper Finals (updated for 2025)

Open to all Junior and Amateur riders. Riders may compete in the OR .65m Jr/Am, OR .75m Jr/Am, OR .85m Jr/Am, and OR .95m Jr/Am MHJ Classes. Riders may not compete in any other class at the same competition where the fences exceed 1.15m except the USET Talent Search.
Riders may show and qualify in any of the heights but may only choose one height for the Finals in August. 10 points are needed to qualify.
Regular classes during the year, Horse/Rider combination may show in only 2 consecutive height sections each show.
MHJ Long Stirrup Medal Final (new for 2025)

Open to junior and adult riders 13 years of age and older. Riders shall not have competed in a class jumping over 18" at the same show.
Awards & 12 Ribbons.