Halifax, Ma-June 29, 2021- Attention MHJ Riders, all MHJ points have been updated as of July 1, 2021. This date only reflects horse show points from before July 1st. Each show has 10 days to turn in their results, so a show you did 10 days prior to July 1st may not be added to your total points. Please take special note if we do not have your address as you will not receive your qualifying letter. If you have any questions regarding MHJ points please email MHJpoints@aol.com.
This year, MHJ Finals will be held on Sunday, August 29, 2021 at the conclusion of the Fieldstone Show Park Summer Showcase. Stay tuned for the release of the Summer Showcase Prize List.
We look forward to seeing everyone for the second week of the Plymouth Rock Hunter Jumper Horse Show presented by Purina and Hanson Grain.